View Full Version : Brain Mets? -- Lyn

10-07-2004, 11:52 PM
Sorry Lyn, I wish I could have a better answer for you. Although I have a brain met, it is NOT giving me any symptoms at all. My rad onc confirmed that the tumor is residing in the lower left cerebellum, which it is not affecting brain functions AT ALL.

Did you tell your onc about the numbness? And what did he/she say? Usually, numbness indicates a nerve is being interferred.

Good luck & hugs

10-08-2004, 01:11 PM
Lyn, I can't remember, have you done an MRI? It so and it didn't show anything, maybe time for another based on symptoms?
It's always something with us, isn't it.

Love, Lolly

10-10-2004, 06:15 PM
Hi Lolly and Girls, not I have't had an MRI to the head only the neck when it kept coming up as me having nothing but my neck kept swelling out so when I turned my head I got a shooting pain in my head that made me feel sick and I was loosing the use of my right arm, treatment subsided the pain straight away but I have had this numbness for well over 12 months and it was part of my original whinging to my onc that there was something wrong. My disease has only been in the neck glands skin and a few other enlarged glands around the chest and scar line. I too hope it is only from nerve pressure but how long can we go on with numbness and hope it will come right?

Love & Hugs Lyn